Feb 14, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions Introduction

UMW reserves the right to add, discontinue, cancel, or change offerings listed in this publication as authorized by the Montana University System Board of Regents.

Course Numbering

The following numbers are used to designate courses:

  000-099 College Prep (does not meet graduation requirements or reflect in earned credit, grades not calculated into GPA)
  100-299 Considered Lower-Division, Primarily for Freshmen and Sophomores
  300-499 Considered Upper-Division, Primiarly for Juniors and Seniors
  X90 Undergraduate Research
  X91 UMW Experimental or Temporary; May be used when a Common Course Number Assignment is Pending
  X92 Independent Study
  X93 Study Tour/Study Abroad
  X94 Seminar/Workshop
  X95 Field Work/Clinical/Practicum/Student Teaching
  X96 Service Learning
  X97 Education Methods Courses
  X98 Internship/Cooperative Education
  X99 Capstone/Thesis/Project

Common Course Numbering (CCN)

Common Course Numbering helps Montana students clearly understand upfront how their courses will transfer. With the exception of a few courses, all courses offered at the undergraduate level at the University of Montana Western are common course numbered with the Montana University System (MUS). A CCN Course Guide is available that additionally allows user to quickly view all undergraduate courses available in the MUS system and see availability acorss all campuses.

Seminar & Practicum

Any seminar or practicum must be approved by the Provost. A copy of the academic requirements for completion of the course must be filed with the Provost at the beginning of the semester.

Specialized Course Descriptions

*Directed Study (DS)

Students taking Directed Study courses (courses not listed on the current term class schedule) must complete a Directed Study contract prepared jointly by the student and the instructor of record that outlines the course objectives, the intended outcomes or product, and the method of evaluation. The proposal is then approved by the appropriate Division Chair and the Provost. Directed Study courses duplicate current Catalog courses that are not scheduled during the current term.

Undergraduate Research (UR)

Any student taking an Undergraduate Research course must sign a written statement prepared jointly by the student and the instructor of record that outlines the course objectives, the intended outcomes or product, and the method of evaluation. The proposal is then approved by the appropriate academic administrators. There are two levels of Undergraduate Research: lower-level (290) and upper-level (490). UR courses may be from 2-8 credits.

Independent Study (IS)

All students taking Independent Study courses must complete an Independent Study contract prepared jointly by the student and the instructor of record that outlines the course objectives, the intended outcomes or product, and the method of evaluation. The proposal is then approved by the appropriate academic administrator. There are two levels of Independent Study: lower-level (290/292) and upper-level (490/492). Independent Study courses cover subjects/content not found in regular Catalog course offerings. It may be possible for the substitution of an Independent Study for a regular Catalog course. If the course is to be substituted for a regular Catalog course, prior approval of an instructor who regularly teaches that course must be obtained. A limit of three (3) Independent Study courses will be applicable to graduation. Independent Study courses may be from 1-4 credits.

Co-requisite (Coreq)

A course that must be taken concurrently or in the same term/semester with the course containing the co-requisite listing.

Prerequisites (Prereq)

Requirements or conditions that must be completed prior to enrollment in a course or program, or continuation in a program. Prerequisites for admission to certain courses are indicated by abbreviations as follows:

  c/dfe Requires consent of Director of Field Experiences
  c/i Requires consent of instructor
  c/pc Requires consent of program or department chair
  c/vc Requires consent of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Provost
  TEP Requires admission to Teacher Education Program

Course Credit

The credits for the course are listed after the title and generally denote the number of lecture hours per week required for the course. The letter “V” indicates variable credit. An “R” indicates that the course may be repeated for credit; for example, R-3 indicates that the course may be taken a total of 4 times–the initial attempt plus three (3) repeats for credit. Equal or equivalent courses are indicated by the equal sign (=).

Timing of Course Offerings

Students should consult with their advisor to assure that courses will be offered when desired. Note in course descriptions that some courses are offered every semester, some are only offered in the fall or spring, and others are only offered every other year. Designing a 4-year plan of study with the advisor early in a student’s academic career is essential to ensure that students get courses needed to graduate.

Cultural Diversity Component

General Education courses designated with (CD) meet Montana University System components for cultural diversity (General Education  ).

Course Fees

NOTE: Additional fees may apply for some courses. For courses that have received Montana Board of Regents approval to assess a specific course fee, the course descriptions indicate that fee. Current course fee information is also available at: Tuition and Fees

General Education Course Legend

Code Category Group Credits Required
Writ/Oral comm Written & Oral Communication 4
Math Mathematics 4
Behv/Soc Sci Behavioral & Social Scienc 4
Hist History 4
Exp/Art Humanities: Expressive Arts 4
Lit/Art Humanities: Literary & Artistic Studies 4
Nat Sci Natural Sciences 8
General Education Total Credits 32